Searching “smart mirror” on the internet brings up countless DIY projects, tutorials and open source projects. I’ve been interested in building a smart mirror for some time know in order to ease the process of getting ready in the morning. Having a device which displays the weather, local train times I can plan out when to leave and ensure that I don’t forget my umbrella when it rains.

In order to make my product stand out from the rest, I’m adding a security element. By having a doorbell which activates a live stream, a user can use the mirror to view who is on the other side of their door.


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  1. Doorbell

The key component in this set up is the ESP32-CAM. It can store pictures using an sd card, create a video streaming web server and has face recognition and detection.


  1. Press the doorbell (in this set up its the push button)

  2. The piezo buzzer goes off and the LED lights up

  3. The livestream is activated


2. Smart Mirror

Hardware: To build the smart mirror I used an acrylic two way mirror, shadow box, a touch screen display and black felt.

Software: RaspberryPi and MagicMirror




iPhone Demo

In addition to having the the love stream on the mirror, I integrated it with my phone. When someone presses the doorbell, a link to the livestream is sent to my phone and I can view who is on the other side of the door.

In order to make this possible, I used IFTTT, a web-based service that creates chains of simple conditional statements.


Save The Child


Birthday Photoshoot