research for a diversity initiative.

user research / ux design

Overview: “33% of Black marketing professionals are likely to leave the industry due to a lack of inclusion and/or discrimination experienced”. UK Advertising Association, All In Census 2021.

They are underrepresented in their marketing roles and leave the industry due to negative experiences. The Black Representation in Marketing initiative (BRiM) was created by Meta and and 10 other cross-industry leaders such has Shell, Publicis and Pepsi to drive meaningful change and encourage companies across the UK to take action.

On this project, I participated in 2/3 of the work streams.

1. Discovering Opportunities – Our team of designers from Ireland and Meta employees interviewed all 15 organizations to understand their motivations and conducted a virtual workshop with Meta and its 11 partner organizations to identify opportunities for improvement. This was the first time since BRiM’s inception in 2020 that each contributor provided input and prioritized next steps live with agreement from all parties.

2. UX Analysis & Recommendations - We conducted a heuristic analysis of BRiM’s content, website and framework and interviewed users to understand issues that arose during the customer journey. After understanding the root causes, and determining what UX improvements to make, we built prototypes of recommended changes to the BRiM website and framework and worked with representative end-users (including Meta) to test ease of use and inclination towards action.

My Role: On this project, I served as a user researcher and designer.

Winner of the 2022 IDI Design for Social Good Award (more info)