hey there 👋!

I’m Jess Adjei, a New York based creative technologist and creative director who is interested in telling stories through digital products, content creation, art installations and photo shoots.

For a longtime, I’ve stood at the intersection of design and technology, unsure of which path to take. As I continuously added elements of design to every tech project, I learned that I don’t have to pick one or the other because “art challenges technology, and technology inspires art.”

And over the past 6 years, I’ve had the opportunity to work as a freelance designer using both of these skills to create products that have a meaningful impact. An in depth look at my design career can be found here.

I’m also very passionate about STEM education. I’ve mentored FIRST Robotics teams and am currently on the board of a non profit that utilizes STEM education as a vehicle to empower low-opportunity students to realize their academic and career potential.

Check out my publications and awards below ↓


FIRST Robotics Championship Boosts Diversity - U.S. News & World Report

Interviewed about my involvement in FIRST Robotics, a STEM competition urging kids from undeserved communities to push their boundaries, build their technical acumen and prepare for future careers.

Winner, Inclusiveness Design Competition -WiTNY

The WiTNY Ambient Belonging Project: "Inclusiveness", was created to source designs from the Cornell Tech and CUNY student community to communicate messages and themes that are an important part of our culture - inclusive leadership, diversity, and gender equity.

Winning designs were displayed around the Cornell Tech and CUNY campuses.


Board of Directors - ELiTE

Assistsing in branding, curriculum design and recruitment efforts.



Design for Good 2022

Issued by Institute of Designers in Ireland (IDI) · Dec 2022

Global Equality Award 2022

Issued by Accenture · Aug 2022


Day In The Life of An Analyst - Accenture, 2021

I was chosen out of hundreds of new analysts to star in Accenture’s Day In The Life Series and represent the Interactive pillar. These videos were shared on Accenture’s Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn and internal channels.

Keynote Speaker - FIRST Robotics, 2020

Gave the keynote address at Columbia University, where I discussed my experience on a robotics team, how it relates to the creation of my major and gave the students advice for the upcoming season.

Speaker - FIRST Robotics Gala, 2017

Gave the closing remarks for the annual gala, where former President Barack Obama was the guest speaker.